Master Chef

Posted by | 11th May 2017 | Uncategorized

So been watching various Chef programmes recently including Master Chef,Creme de la Creme as well as Great British Menu.

What strikes me with regards to the Master Chef contestants is that they all want to work in the hospitality industry according to what they tell you when being asked why they have entered.

So if that is the case why have none of them ever gone into a professional kitchen to learn their craft is in that too much like hard work.

If you look at chefs from professional kitchens,one of the first things you notice is how knackered they all long and stressed out from their ardous tasks and no doubt all the hard work they have had to do to take time off work to enter.

Whilst there is nothing wrong with people using the platform to profile themselves I do disagree that they are given a leg up into a world lot’s of chefs who are professional never get to know about.

My case in point is Nadiya the winner of Bake Off 2015,whilst I agree that she is a great baker and performed very well during the programme is she better than many people who have baked in a professional environment,I think not but that is TV I suppose,always wanting to make a story out of a bit of drama.

Anyway guys good luck with your cooking and believe me you learn a lot more of what the industry is about by working in a professional kitchen,most chefs never get to cook sauce or main course until they have mastered the art of cooking and cutting veg for a few years,just goes to show.

As a sign used to say in my Mother’s kitchen “kissing don’t last cooking do”

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