
Posted by | 12th September 2017 | Uncategorized

What is hospitality and how is it that some places get it right and yet some seem to get it so wrong.

How would we best describe what we think is good hospitality,is it good service,nice food,great venue etc or is it simply felling good about the whole experience.

I went out with my family on Sunday for lunch at a shall we say a branded pub and restaurant part of a well established what we would say is a brewing company that has over recent years become more diverse.

Upon arrival I was pointed to the table by the Manager and informed “it’s that long table over there in the window”,job dome some may say,other’s may disagree as he only had to walk a little further to said table.

Anyway we had a variety of food as we had 5 adults and 4 children so lot’s of items,this included “Fish & chips,Roast Turkey Sunday Roast,Pizza,2 Nut Roasts we have 2 veggies in the house and other item’s.

Upon the arrival of all the food we then had to ask for “Tartare sauce,Cranberry sauce,Mayo as well as other items.

Now the reason I mention about hospitality is this,when you are serving these items on your menu why are these not offered as part of the service how is it now that you have to ask for things that should be part of the overall experience.

Anyway just goes to show we all have our own ideas of what we believe is hospitality but remember when you are there and they ask the question is everything alright,tell them if it is or if not tell them no,let them resolve the matter and don’t post it on “Trip Advisor” if you didn’t have the gumption to let them know if you were not happy.

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